This is how it must be done:
The rules are as follows:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator asks and then create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
3. Choose 11 people with under 200 followers to nominate and link to them.
4. Go to their pages and let them know. (no tag backs)
The 11 things about me, (I dread talking in facts about myself...bare with me people....)
1. I like to stay up late. I am one of those grown up child that do not want to go to bed when mummy says so... I love it at night to have a moment alone, no calls, no hubby, no baby, no noise...just me and my cup of wine reading a magazine or surfing the internet.
2. I love organization but I am not organized, does that make sense? I am a clutterer, and find it hard to throw things away. Once in a while I cant handle it anymore and explode and keep a cleaning throwing everything away. For example, I cut out articles from magazines with restaurants I must visit whenever I go traveling, then when I am at that destination I either forgot the articles or could find what is the use of saving them?
3. I used to be a person that preferred quantity over quality, but now older and wiser I prefer quality over quantity.
4. I love animals, If I didn't have had work to do I would go and rescue animals. I have given 2 rescued dogs to my parents! They were ment to be together! I have a love and hate relation with animal things in decor. I looove coral, and I have to admit I own a huge piece myself, but I can cry about the fact that coral reefs are destroyed just because I need to have a piece of coral in my life. Same thing about meat. I know where it comes from, love to eat it, but could harm a fly!
5. I am very creative and handy, like to draw. Find solutions for many things I come across.
I am the handy(man) girl in the house, putting up paintings, curtains and such. My hubby has two left hands ( is what we say in holland)
6. I am a dutch girl, born in Amsterdam, met my love of my life 10 years ago in France and now I live in Spain.
I have roots in Indonesia, China, Germany and Holland, I even suspect that my grandfathers mother was an Italian immigrant, but that I can not confirm.
7. I wish we could move to a bigger house so I can decorate it entirely again! I love decorating, since a small girl watching my mum picking out designer pieces mixing it with antique furniture.
8. love eating, especially chocolate....bad habit. Another bad habit is I get a temperament if I get hubby knows, ha!
9. I love to blog and reading other blogs, I find the people that I have met so creative, innovative, original, sweet...I could go on and on. Being a bloggers has enriched my inspiration, happiness and knowledge.
10. Love singing in the bathroom!
11. Love fashion, knows best what other people should wear, except for myself I have no clue...
so that were 11 facts, now I have to answer 11 questions from Patty:
1. What is your passion in life: My life now is my baby, he is the greatest passion that I have, but if I have to name something else I love hunting treasures for my home.
2.Who influenced you? In becoming the person who I am right now is thank to my parents who let me travel the world, gaining experiences of meeting people and making friends all over the world. These friends and my family have inspired me to be the person who I am today.
3. Why did you start writing a blog? I got so enthusiastic reading other blogs, and I thought It would be fun to talk about my experiences and opinions, things I like and wanted to share.
4. are you a morning or a night person? HA I already wrote about that, definitely a night person.
5. My favorite color right now is...oh how difficult...I can´t pick I love black, white, grey...if it needs to be a vibrant color neon colors at the moment or maybe a seagreen, pink coral or mint green see what I mean, I just can´t pick.
6. Which rooms are the most used in your house? Livingroom is the most used.
7. Are you a silver or gold person? I am a gold girl.
8. Do you prefer to stay at the beach or mountains during your holidays. The beach!
9. What part of the world would you like to visit. I have visited all continents but Africa, I would like to visit the Kruger park one day. But evenmore I would like to know South America and Asia even more...
10. Coffee or Tea? Both!
11. Do you still wear a wrist watch?...Yes I do...I that still in or out? I adore my Marc Jacobs gold watch, It goes with anything..
My 11 nominations are:
For the love of black Interiores
Preto Marfim
Gold and gray
Daisy diaries
Disco airglow
Most Lovely things
Ada and Darcy
Stylish irish
Forever peaches
This city girl
Now I have to come up with 11 questions:
1. What is your preferred transportation?
2. What do you do for exercise?
3. What is your most favorite shop in the world?
4. Who is your biggest inspiration?
5. What is your most favorite piece of furniture in your house?
6. What was given to you as a gift that you adore? And what is on top of your wish list?
7. Wich computer do you own?
8. Favorite song?
9. Ballerinas or heels?
10. Best party ever?
11. Why did you started to blog?
Thank you Patty ...and thank you fellow bloggers for participating!
2. What do you do for exercise?
3. What is your most favorite shop in the world?
4. Who is your biggest inspiration?
5. What is your most favorite piece of furniture in your house?
6. What was given to you as a gift that you adore? And what is on top of your wish list?
7. Wich computer do you own?
8. Favorite song?
9. Ballerinas or heels?
10. Best party ever?
11. Why did you started to blog?
Thank you Patty ...and thank you fellow bloggers for participating!
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