Amara Interior Blog Awards #IBA15

I can't quite believe that Ive got through to the next round of voting for an #IBA15 in the colour inspiration category. This journey of blogging came quite by accident and at a time when I really didn't think it would lead to anything.

Initially I started blogging as a place to put my photos both of my home improvements and places discovered around where I had just moved to.

It seems that whilst all around are favouring the black and white, or all white minimal home styling (which I do love and admire), I simply can't do it myself. I love collecting, family heirlooms, bits of memorabilia, just lovely stuff. I find it comforting and inspiring, my brain just seems to respond to colour and maximalism. 

So this is me asking please, that if you like any part of what I do, to vote for me in the Amara Interior Blog Awards. Im pleased that this company are sponsoring such a thing as I often purchase from them.  While I like old, there are some things that just have to be new like bedding, kitchen stuff etc.  Also its good to support clever new designers like Pip Studio and the more established companies who respond to current trends and styles (Im so pleased the fashion for white 'white goods' is over, all hail the retro styles and colours of kitchen appliances. 

Voting in the Awards starts on Monday 10th August at 

This weekend Im travelling along the coast, my previous post just got me in the mood, so I told the other half, I want to see the coast and I want to see it now. 

We are fitting in some cultural stuff too, like Virginia Woolfs house, (Monks House) which I will talk more about soon. But to my surprise the lounge had walls the same colour as Ive just been painting in my kitchen. I was told that Farrow & Ball had mixed this colour especially, it is called Monks House or something similar, I will look into it more. 

Also the seaside heralded some great colours and atmosphere, the sky was so blue, it was a really hot day, the first for ages, so it made the rather horrendous car journey all worthwhile. 

All the best for now, love Janice. 
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